Tuesday, July 31, 2007

HeARTS Obispo, Round II!


Once again, February will bring a sweet event to ARTS Space Obispo in the form of heart art, valentines made by local artists and sold to benefit ARTS Obispo's many programs. We are looking for artists to participate in HeARTS Obispo 2 to make valentines and/or small works of art that one might buy as a gift for someone special. These valentine offerings could include certificates for musical or theatrical performances, as well as small sculptures, two-dimensional wall pieces, or elaborate cards.

Artwork for HeARTS Obispo 2 must be delivered to ARTS Obispo's office in the SLO Creamery from January 7th through January 11th between 10 AM and 4 PM. The show and sale will be on display in ARTS Space Obispo from January 21st through February 14th, 2008, with a reception and silent auction held during Art After Dark, 6-9 PM on Friday, February 1st. Proceeds from sales will be split 50/50 with participating artists.

Contact ARTS Obispo at director@sloartscouncil.og if you plan to be part of this very special event.

(Image © Steven deLuque)

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