Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ruth Fash Memorial Lecture

A Search for Life Divine in Mayan Ruins and Art
William and Barbara Fash of Harvard University &
a Mayan archeological dig in Copán, Honduras

DATE: Sunday, November 18, 2007, 3 PM

LOCATION: Cuesta College Conference Center, Room #5401
SLO Campus, Highway One
San Luis Obispo, California

CONTACT: Marta Peluso, Executive Director, ARTS Obispo
(805) 544-9251

William Fash:

Barbara Fash:

Noted archeologists William and Barbara Fash will present the third in a series of talks honoring former local artist Ruth Fash. The pair, Ruth's son and daughter-in-law, will present a talk sharing their archaeological adventures and discoveries. Please see William and Barbara Fash’s biographies and detailed press release attached. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like further information. Thanks so much for helping us announce this fascinating lecture.

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